The Museum is currently closed for the winter season. Our volunteers are busy preparing next years exhibitions. We will reopen in April 2025.
The Coffee Shop at fife folk museum:
The new number for The Coffee Shop @FFM is
01334 845141

The Coffee Shop At Fife Folk Museum is now in the capable hands of Callum Murray and his team.
“We’re proud to be a family-run cafe, not part of a big corporation. Every cup of coffee, every slice of cake you enjoy here directly supports our family and helps us bring our vision to life. Today wasn’t perfect, but to every customer who gave us a smile, shared kind feedback, or simply chose to spend time with us – thank you. It means more than words can say.”
Open from 10am until 4pm (last orders 3:30), Wednesdsy till Sunday. Stop by, say hi, and enjoy something delicious with us. Here’s to new beginnings.
Click here to view our News Page
The Museum welcomed a lovely group of care home residents today for an object handling and memories session followed by a great lunch in the The Coffee Shop.
The museum is grateful for support for this initiative from the Arts Society Fife. We are closed to the public at the moment but will be open again on 2nd April.

Bit of down time while we se up our exhibitions for next season…..watch below for new events happening soon.
Click here to see our current exhibitions and forthcoming events
Next event:
Drop In Craft Session
Free drop in craft sessions in the annexe this half term, Thursday 13th February 10.30 am till 1pm.
No need to book.
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Keep up to speed with our events and exhibitions on Facebook and Instagram. links below.